________________________ COLLEGE

________________________ Department

___________________________ Division





Course Description:
DIV 000 - Diversity ____________________________
This course examines how diversity, in its many forms, presents major challenges and opportunities in the workplace and in the larger society.  It focuses on competencies in the form of awareness, understanding and skills that maximize resources and empower individuals and groups with a wide variety of interests, talents, and cultural backgrounds.  In today’s global environment, college graduates and employees are fully expected to collaborate with others as members of socially diverse teams, groups, organizations, and communities.  Students will examine a variety of issues such as the development of key skills, communication, teamwork, networking, and leadership in the context of an increasingly complex and dynamic workforce, client base, and cultural environment.


Students with Disabilities:
_______________ College is committed to providing students with a documented disability an equal opportunity to pursue a college education. Efforts will be made to meet requests for reasonable accommodations for those eligible under the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADA) of 2008, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Section 504. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Disability Support Services Center (Phone:  ___ ___ ____) or DSSC@_____.edu).

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
1. Describe and give examples of demographic, technological, and social changes that are responsible for the growing importance of diversity.
3. Identify the three components of diversity consciousness and give an example of each.
4. Explain and apply selected dimensions of diversity to themselves and their life experiences.

  • Illustrate the importance of diversity in today's global marketplace.
  • Summarize and explain how diversity enhances the workplace.
  • Articulate the challenges created by our changing cultural landscape.
  • Explain the three components of diversity consciousness and give examples of each.
  • Discuss the six areas of developing diversity consciousness.
  • Describe how the six areas of developing diversity consciousness relate to effective communication and teamwork.
  • Identify and evaluate those diversity skills that enable them to contribute to a more inclusive work environment.
  • Demonstrate the skills that are necessary in organizations that leverage diversity and promote inclusion
  • Describe and give examples of demographic, technological, and social changes that are responsible for the growing importance of diversity.
  • Explain how the skill-set of employees and leaders is influenced by increasingly diverse workforces, customers and clients, and surrounding communities.
  • Explain and apply selected dimensions of diversity to themselves and their life experiences.


Regular class attendance is essential. Students are expected to report to class on time. Regular punctual attendance and regular class participation are significant factors which promote success in college.
If someone fails to make it to class, he or she is still expected to know the material that was covered, be it class notes, changes in reading assignments or test dates, or any other pertinent information.

Academic Support:
All students have academic support available to them. This includes course-specific tutoring, academic skills workshops, study skills and time management workshops, and meeting with your professor during office hours.

Policy Regarding Cell Phones:
Upon entering class, cell phones must be turned off or put on “vibrate.”  On test days, cell phones must be turned off entirely and kept out of sight.

Students will need to buy:
Textbook: Bucher, Diversity Consciousness: Opening Our Minds to People, Cultures, and Opportunities, 4th edition (Pearson, 2015)

Evaluative Measures:
Your final grade for the course will be based on a number of evaluative measures:
Evaluative Measure                                                                          % of Final grade

Autobiographical Diversity Paper* (100 points)                                                  20%

Group Presentation*(100 points)                                                                        20%
Mid-term Exam (100 points)                                                                                20%
Final Exam (100 points)                                                                                      20%

Class Participation (100 points)                                                                          20%


Note:  Class Participation is based on preparation for and participation in class throughout the semester. A number of short written assignments will be periodically handed in as part of this grade.  In-class presentations and small group exercises will also be included as part of this grade.
Extra Credit (30 points maximum).  There will be a number of opportunities to earn extra credit throughout the semester. These opportunities will include Internet assignments, various programs offered by the Office of Student Affairs, and discussion board questions through Blackboard.  Further information will be given in class.
*Guidelines will be handed out and discussed in class.

Grading Point Distribution  (based on total number of points)

A = 450 to 530
B = 400 to 449
C = 350 to 399
D = 300 to 349
F = 299 and below

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
Plagiarism is "intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one's own." Examples of acts that would be defined as plagiarism are:

  • Copying word for word, and neglecting to both enclose the words in quotation marks and to cite the source [Specifically, no copying or pasting off the Internet]
  • Summarizing or paraphrasing someone else's words or ideas and failing to cite the source [Specifically, do not copy then simply rearrange the words of another person’s work]
  • Any other act in which someone presents someone else's intellectual material as their own, whether it involves graphics, code, data, charts, etc.

*Source:  University of Maryland Code of Academic Integrity
Plagiarism is a serious act of academic dishonesty which is not taken lightly at _____________________ College.  Plagiarism on an assignment will result in a grade of 0.  Moreover, the instructor will retain all plagiarized material.

You may use short quotations from other sources to support your sociological analysis.  Simply enclose the quote in quotation marks and properly cite the source.  In general, use your textbook as a model for citation style or consult the “brown book” used in English 101.

Course Outline

I.          Diversity: An Overview

II.        Diversity Consciousness and Success

III.       Personal and Social Barriers to Success

IV.       Developing Diversity Consciousness

V.        Communicating in a Diverse World

VI.       Social Networking

VII.     Teamwork

VIII.    Leadership

IX.       Preparing for the Future


(may be changed during the semester)


Assignments Due

Tests and Deadlines


Week 1

Chapter One – Diversity: An Overview



Week 3

Chapter Two



Week 5

Chapter Three


Week 6

Chapter Four: Developing Diversity Consciousness


Week 7

Chapter Four

Mid-Term Exam

Week 8

Chapter Five: Communication


Week 9

Chapter Five; Chapter Six: Social Networking


Week 10

Chapter Six

Autobiographical Essay Due

Week 11

Chapter Seven: Teamwork

Group Presentations

Week 12

Chapter Seven, Chapter 8: Leadership

Group Presentations

Week 13

Chapter 8, Chapter 9: Preparing for the Future

Group Presentations

Week 14

Chapter 9


Week 15

Final Exam