MS B's MATH "Raps"

For decimal operations (except division) – what to do with the decimal
Add ‘em up, Line ‘em up
Same to subtract
To multiply you count
And that’s a fact!

Area vs. Perimeter

PerimeterADD – PerimeterADD
For area you multiply, for area you multiply.

(sounds dumb, but my students still remember it 20 years later)

Integer operations

If the signs are diff’rent, ya gotta subtract
You add if they’re the same and that’s a fact.

A negative time a negative equals a positive  BUT
Losses -  add -  up!

This one can be practiced by having them do a round with it

Multiplication vs addition of variables

If you add an  “x” to another “x”
2x is what you’ll see
But if multiplication is the operation,
Exponents is what will be

To memorize the distance formula – writing out the template

Squ-are root. 
Parentheses, parentheses
Minus – plus – minus
Square, square.

Right triangle Geometry

30-60-90, ya’see
The long side equals the short(root 3)
The hypotenuse is double the short – and –
The short is half of the hyPOTenuse.

For right isosceles, you know it’s true –
The long leg equals the short(root 2)


Integer rules for multiplication and division:

Students slap desktop two times, clap once

Plus, Plus → Plus
Minus, Minus → Plus
Plus, Plus → Plus
Minus, Minus → Plus

One of each → Minus
One of each → Minus
One of each → Minus
One of each → Minus

These are the in-te-ger rules when you
MUL-TI-PLY (rest) and DI-VIDE


Multistep linear equations

STEP 1 – parentheses, do whatcha gotta do
STEP 2 – like terms, combine if it be true
Variables on both sides?  Just can’t be!
Subtract or add to get one gone – that’s STEP 3
STEP 4  - gotta constant, hanging about?
Subtract or add - to get the number out
STEP 5 – (rest) the last one (rest)
Divide or multiply and then you’re done!

Graphing lines

y = mx + b
b’s the y-intercept, so plot it first, ya’ see?
m is the slope, rise over run,
+           -                 -           +
so go up or down then left or right
and then you’re done!

Solving inequalities

When you divide or multiply
Solving inequalities
You gotta flip the symbol
Or it’s wrong – can’t ya see?

Arc Length

Inside- av-er-age
Out? Subtract, divide it by two
On the cir-cum-fer-ence?
Divide by two is all ya’ gotta do!

Memorizing terms for operations

You get the pro-duct when you multiply!
You get the pro-duct when you multiply!
But with division, division, it’s the quotient, the quotient
With division, division, it’s the quotient, the quotient.   

                (half the room repeatedly chants one, the other half the other – all at the same time)

Converting fractions to % and vice versa

You’re given a fraction and you’re asked for a percent
By 100.  By 100.
A percent is whatcha got?  Just divide and it is not.
A percent is whatcha got?  Just divide and it is not.
By 100.  By 100.


Adding/subtracting polynomials

Adding polynomials is easy to do,
Remove the parenthesis, combine and then you’re through
But, if subtraction’s gotta be done
You gotta multiply by a negative one.

Geometry – complementary vs supplementary – can be done with ½ class saying the top part, the other ½ half saying the other part

Iffa angle anda angle add up to be 90,
We call these angles - compliment’ry.

A chant for memorizing perfect squares – add your own rhythm!
            TEACHER                                   CLASS RESPONDS
4, 9,16, 25 →                                 4, 9,16, 25   
36, 49   →                                        36, 49
64, 81   →                                        64, 81
100   →                                             100
125, 144  →                                    125, 144
1-6-9, 1-9-6   →                             1-6-9, 1-9-6
225   →                                             225